Monday, 23 March 2015

What does "The Feminine Touch" conjure up for you?

When I first opened my little crafty Etsy shop and came up with the shop name of The Feminine Touch I gave only a cursory thought to the name I gave it.
I just wanted something that conjured up a feeling of femininity that my knits would give someone; whether its whilst they wear them or when they displayed them in their home.

Its only now when I am a little more established I have started to think, what exactly does it mean?

For example,for you crafty people is it something you add to something you already own to give it that "feminine touch" as in this ehow article

or has it do with "girl" power in the business environment? does "the feminine touch" in the office really make a difference?

I would like to think it’s all about bringing pretty feminine accessories in to the home without it looking too much like a boudoir, no pretty pink sexy lace for me. Embrace the new feminine in your home decor as this article says.

We even have menswear that’s embracing The Feminine Touch, is this a bit too much?

And what about these 5 masculine way to do A Feminine Touch in the home, cool eh!

So for you, what does the term "The Feminine Touch" conjure up?

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