Monday, 16 March 2015

Scottish Inspired WATG

I was loving the idea of knitting the Tartan hula loops when I was first asked about knitting for WATG The Wool and the Gang. I just wanted to find out how they made the tartan stripes, it really intrigued me and they did look fantastic. I was a little taken aback by the price of them though, but now I know what work goes in to them I am not surprised!

I chose to knit both colour combination's, the red, white and black and the blue, purple, red and white.  Or in the official WATG colours, the Lipstick Red, Ivory White and Space Black and the Midnight Blue, Margaux Red, Lipstick Red and Ivory White (Gosh I know those colours off by heart now).

I so wish this video was available when I knit these, it really explains the tartan knitting process really well -

I also learnt a new technique to invisibly join two pieces of garter stitch work together. When joining this work you are creating an extra purl row. For selling items on line I had to make sure that the finished seam was basically un-noticeable. 

Here its is :-

  • Take your two knitted pieces and place them end to end, right side up on a flat surface. Make sure the edges of the pieces line up correctly 
  • Thread a tapestry needle with the same yarn used to knit the project and join the yarn to the work at one of the edges.
  • Begin one stitch row in from the cast-off/cast-on edge of one of your pieces.
  • Find the first purl bump on one of your pieces. With the tip of your needle follow the line of the bump to where it ducks under another purl bump and insert your needle following that path.
  • Now cross the gap to the other piece and find the first purl bump and do the same as above.
  • Then go back to the first side and put your needle back under the same purl bump you went under before but going the opposite direction.
  • Follow the next purl bump to where it ducks under it's neighbour and repeat from repeat the process working back and forth across the gap.
  • Don't pull the yarn tight as you go. You want the row you are creating to look like a normal row of knit stitches. Your seam will be nearly invisible and lay completely flat.
If you are new to knitting or want to improve some of your skills then the video WATG have on their web site are ace! -

And here are the finished items 

Wool and the Gang


Quick View of Woolly Goodies available on my web site

Quick View of Woolly Goodies available on my web site
Click on photo above to see detail / to purchase