Thursday, 5 May 2011

Is crafting and trying to sell on Etsy addictive?

I talked one day about whether Etsy BNR’s (Buy Next Round – I think it stands for) were addictive or not . I think I came to the conclusion that they were.
But now, wondering whether the whole crafting thing and trying to sell on Etsy is in itself addictive . Yes the whole thing!!
You see , since I started crafting again (after many years not doing it) and trying to sell on Etsy I’ve let the whole house go to wrack and ruin. Normally during the winter months I get decorating (and I do love doing it) and I know now that the hallway and staircase is in need of some tender loving. The walls were painted a loving light blue a few years back , they now look a shady grey . I stencilled a gold architectural border and now it looks rather naff. The coat hook’s are hanging off the wall cos I put up the wrong size (obviously need a much bigger one) and the wooden floor in the hallway , which I lovingly sanded needs a right good varnish.
And that’s only the start of it, the settees in the back lounge come dining room are broken (its really painful now to sit on them) so I need to buy new ones and that means re-decorating, the garden fences all need re-painting as well as the whole garden needing a tidy up.
The bathroom needs a new carpet in it (we never did like that dark brown one I put in) and the walls and ceiling could do with a lick of paint.

So…………… I force myself to stop crafting and Etsying for a while and do some sorting out of the house!

Please tell me what to do ! I’m addicted to crafting at the moment and can’t see a way out !


  1. LOL - I have the same problem and yes, it's addictive. If you find a cure, do let me know!

  2. Hahaha- it is addictive!! Although- sometimes I'll go through spells where I want nothing to do with my shop... I don't know why this happens. But I bounce back soon enough ;)

    Jordan <3

  3. I know exactly what you mean. What I do, is incorporate something handmade by me into the decorating scheme. That gives me the nudge to get on with the whole thing to show it off. Does that help at all???

  4. Hmm, yes it possibly is. But I don't only sell on Etsy - so maybe I'm just addicted full stop...

    (BNR = Buy N Replace)

  5. haha, I recognise myself here too :s

  6. haha! yep same as! it is definatly addicitive. If im not crafting im planning and designing in my head while doing jobs. My house really needs a sort out. but theres too much sewing to be done! and i just dont have the same passion for housework.


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