Thursday, 28 May 2015

My first 2 patterns featured in a Knitting Mag ! Knit Now !

I'm feeling rather pleased today, the fact that I can share something that I have been keeping quiet for so long, has given me a few goosebumps.

You see, today is the day that TWO of my knitting designs have made it ! published in a UK knitting magazine ! 
It’s issue 48, and my designs are on pages 20-21, the mustardseed shawl (you must just get the issue just to find out why it was named that) and on pages 44-45, the sandown stole. I don’t have my hands on a paper copy yet!  but will be going a shopping later on today to see if I can get my hands on a few copies. 
A smaller version of one of my designs has also appeared on a page that explains "how to work cables", so if any of you readers need to know, well the info is there! 
Hard copies can be ordered here: 
Digital editions are available via our app:

As I sort of explained in an earlier blog posting, its been a long hard few months for someone that has not been through the process before. From submitting my ideas, helping to choose the correct yarn, knitting up my design, writing up the pattern, double, sorry quadruple checking the pattern for spelling and mathematical errors and then finally seeing the pattern and photos in draft mode a week before the magazine was published its been quite a journey. 
And I'm really thrilled that one of my patterns made it on to the cover page, although on an earlier draft version I saw them both there :(

happy bunny :)


  1. I'm delighted for you, so very well deserved. Sally (a very happy repeat customer).

  2. Congratulations!!! I live in the US, but love the UK knit magazines better than ours. I'll get my copy - but they get here about a month after being released there!

  3. Thanks both of you for your lovely congrats. I still find it quite unbelievable that my patterns have been published ! Looking forward to doing more now.

  4. massive congrats hun what an achievement! x

  5. Wow! How awesome is that! Congratulations! I love the Mustard Seed!


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