Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy new Year - My 1st day - pattern writing !

I feel like I'm at the very start of a big adventure this next year. I've just spent today finishing off doing all the maths calculations for a knitting pattern that will be published in the KnitNow knitting magazine in May. Quite daunting stuff , seeing as though I have only dabbled in pattern writing these last few months , going through the testing regime on Ravelry and publishing a few simple patterns on their site , plus Craftsy and in my Etsy shop.

KnitNow have kindly agreed to publish BOTH patterns that I submitted to them a few months back. So I have been spending the last month knitting up the garments and writing up the patterns. Both have been quite challenging for me. Its been great to see my ideas come alive in front of me , in different (but yet beautiful) yarns than I had originally knit them in. I can't tell you much about the yarns or the patterns (sneak preview of colours below), but I can tell you that I have improved my charting techniques (and incorporated new stitches in to my charting software) and my pattern writing skills 200 fold! It's been quite a learning curve. 

So the 1st day of the year I have been busy finishing the patterns. Now they are finished I can send both the knitted items and the patterns to KnitNow tomorrow and sit back and wait. Keeping fingers crossed that not too many questions some back at me.  

(sorry couldn't resist the silly cartoon image above , its so reminds me of me , a few years younger with shorter curlier hair) 

1 comment:

  1. Well done! Sounds like quite the learning experience. Always fun to learn new things. :)


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