Monday, 3 November 2014

Angel Cable

I came across a cable pattern called "Angel Cable" a few days ago and I was intrigued to try.  I have worked with cables for a few years now , just straight forward cables going up and down your work , twisting in and out of stitches, but this cable intrigued me because it was incorporated into some clever stitch increases and decreases.

I wanted to adapt the pattern I found though , wanted to make purl columns narrower , wanted a finished edge to each side, maybe with the potential of making something like a headband with it.

So I decided to use a little bit of software I have just bought. Nice and cheerful Interwined Studio can create charts out of written instructions or can work out the written instruction from a chart. Either way its pretty nifty and I wanted to play :)

I won't go into the ins and outs of what I did , but just to say , adapting the original pattern was a lot easier than knitting the piece and nearly as enjoyable (remember I am a computer geek).

So here's the finished results.  And yes , I did adapt the knitted piece beyond the pattern. I got carried away you see.

and for those of you interested here is the pattern , both the chart and written instructions

Cast on 26 stitches
Row 1 (rs): k9, p8, k9
Row 2 (ws): p9, k8, p9
Row 3 (rs): k7, ssk, p3, m1, p2, m1, p3, k2tog, k7
Row 4 (ws): p8, k3, p1, k2, p1, k3, p8
Row 5 (rs): k6, ssk, p3, m1, k1, p2, k1, m1, p3, k2tog, k6
Row 6 (ws): p7, k3, p2, k2, p2, k3, p7
Row 7 (rs): k5, ssk, p3, m1, k2, p2, k2, m1, p3, k2tog, k5
Row 8 (ws): p6, k3, p3, k2, p3, k3, p6
Row 9 (rs): k4, ssk, p3, m1, k3, p2, k3, m1, p3, k2tog, k4
Row 10 (ws): p5, k3, p4, k2, p4, k3, p5
Row 11 (rs): k3, ssk, p3, m1, k4, p2, k4, m1, p3, k2tog, k3
Row 12 (ws): p4, k3, p5, k2, p5, k3, p4
Row 13 (rs): k2, ssk, p3, m1, k5, p2, k5, m1, p3, k2tog, k2
Row 14 (ws): p3, k3, p6, k2, p6, k3, p3
Row 15 (rs): k1, ssk, p3, m1, k6, p2, k6, m1, p3, k2tog, k1
Row 16 (ws): p2, k3, p7, k2, p7, k3, p2
Row 17 (rs): ssk, p3, m1, k7, p2, k7, m1, p3, k2tog
Row 18 (ws): p1, k3, p8, k2, p8, k3, p1
Row 19 (rs): k1, p3, c8b, p2, c8f, p3, k1
Row 20 (ws): p1, k3, p8, k2, p8, k3, p1
Row 21 (rs): k1, m1, p3, k2tog, k6, p2, k6, ssk, p3, m1, k1
Row 22 (ws): p2, k3, p7, k2, p7, k3, p2
Row 23 (rs): k2, m1, p3, k2tog, k5, p2, k5, ssk, p3, m1, k2
Row 24 (ws): p3, k3, p6, k2, p6, k3, p3
Row 25 (rs): k3, m1, p3, k2tog, k4, p2, k4, ssk, p3, m1, k3
Row 26 (ws): p4, k3, p5, k2, p5, k3, p4
Row 27 (rs): k4, m1, p3, k2tog, k3, p2, k3, ssk, p3, m1, k4
Row 28 (ws): p5, k3, p4, k2, p4, k3, p5
Row 29 (rs): k5, m1, p3, k2tog, k2, p2, k2, ssk, p3, m1, k5
Row 30 (ws): p6, k3, p3, k2, p3, k3, p6
Row 31 (rs): k6, m1, p3, k2tog, k1, p2, k1, ssk, p3, m1, k6
Row 32 (ws): p7, k3, p2, k2, p2, k3, p7
Row 33 (rs): k7, m1, p3, k2tog, p2, ssk, p3, m1, k7
Row 34 (ws): p8, k3, p1, k2, p1, k3, p8
Row 35 (rs): k8, m1, p2, p2tog, p2, p2tog, p2, m1, k8
Row 36 (ws): p9, k8, p9

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