I loved the concept of their Company, the idea that a bunch of home knitters all over the world could be incorporated in to a knitting "gang" to knit, knit, knit, see their creations go live on the WATG web site and earn a little cash in to the bargain.
The cash side of it , was not what enticed me into working for WATG , No I was more interested in the challenge. The challenge of working to deadlines and of working strictly to knitting patterns. You see, yes I can follow patterns, but being a self taught knitter, if I see something I don't quite understand in a pattern or something is not quite working as it should, then I just make things up. Working for WATG, I knew I couldn't just make things up, If I didn't understand the pattern I had to ask and find out before progressing, if something wasn't working out as it should I had to double check things out with the WATG office. And the fun thing was, if I came across stitches I had never heard of, I HAD to learn them!
On receiving the pattern , straight away I was flumaxed , what's a long tail cast on? , ha ha I had come across a stitch I didn't know. I watched the Long Tail cast on Video I found on the WATG and I was well away.
By the way, there are a whole host of knitty How to Videos on the WATCG web site.
After the long tail cast on the knitting was a breeze. I soon became skilled in knitting these I could do them in my sleep, lol.

The Zion Lions can be found on the WATG web site here. They come in a multitude of colours and you can buy one ready knit up by a gang maker (could be me!, look out for my name "Sandra N") or you can knit one yourself.
You can all be a "Gangsta" by purchasing your own "WATG" kit and knitting up your own garments and accessories
Nice. Sounds like a fun challenge, and I love the result. :)