When you buy from The Feminine Touch you can be sure your hand knitted and felted items will have a high wool % content.
It's important then, that such a loved, quality item should be handled with care when it comes to washing.
This is a simple guide that I've put together, just to help you along
1. Place the item in a sink, cover with luke warm water and some woolly detergent.
2. Soak and squeeze your woolly, being careful not to pull it out of shape.
3. Let out the water and fill the sink again with clean luke warm water. Soak and squeeze again to get rid of all the detergent.
4. After soaking & squeezing, lay the woolly between clean towels and roll the towel up to take up the extra moisture.
5. Lay your woolly out on another clean dry towel and leave to dry.
Hope this helps in keeping your woollies as nice as the day you bought them <3
If you are wondering why I brought this little tip bit to your attention , well I was told a little sad tale the other day. One of my most loyal customers was purchasing yet another hand knit headband from me and I asked how her daughter liked the one that she got last Christmas? Sadly she said that she hadn't thought about how to wash it and had just bunged it in the washing machine. Well you can guess what happened can't you, the poor little thing turned out twice as small and could not be stretched over her head whatever she tried. That was just a headband and could be remedied by quickly knitting up another for her. But I would hate it if something as wonderful as a lace shawl or a bolero was ruined just because you didn't think before washing. I'd rather customers contacted me to ask for advise any day than to see this happen.
Have you had any disastrous washes ? Many years ago I had a lovely red dressing gown bought by my husband reduced to child size :( just because I put it in the wash , lol

I love my little knitting blog! I design / create unique, original high quality accessories. I sell what I make on Etsy and my own web site - thefemininetouchdesigns.co.uk. Some of my creations I have written up in to knitting patterns & kits which are now published on-line. Here on my blog I share what I have learnt, business wise & crafting wise and happy to promote other crafty sellers. You will find some of my personal experiences here too.
(Finally getting around to catching up on your blog, sorry!!)
ReplyDeleteThis is really good advice! My laundry mishaps have been the usual - red bleeding onto other clothes, things that shouldn't go in the dryer ending up there anyway, and one shirt that shrunk after having been regularly worn and washed for at least a year. Still haven't figured that one out. :)