I have just completed my 1st craft fair at our local garden centre. Every few months they open the centre to around 20 craft stalls taking a "deposit" of £5 to secure the stall. The fair is open 4 hours , just enough time and cheap enough (free) for me to get a feel for how a craft fair would work for me. They madly advertise the fair on posters and in local schools. I had found the fair on the Internet , so I knew that it had been well advertised.
In preparation for the fair I created some new cheaper items for my shop.
A range of new knitted hand warmers , I thought would do the trick.
I spent the day before pricing up all my accessories and making sure I had writing pads, scissors , bags, tape etc all at hand for the day. I used the list that my Craft Britannia friends had given me to ensure a successful craft fair.
This morning I was confident and felt self assured. Nothing could go wrong . Everything was in the car ready . Lunch and drinks were packed . I was dressed casually but prettily with one of my new brooches pinned on to my lovely feminine top (one with 2 big pockets to hold all my change etc). I felt good.
I arrived at the garden centre and made 4 trips back and forth between the car and the stall and then I realised my mistake !
Where do I put all this stuff on this little 6 foot stall. I had made the mistake of bringing everything I had crafted for the last 8 months and expected it to look oh so pretty on the table in front of me. I looked around me and saw some beautiful stalls, set out so professionally. Next to me was a stall with a smart box full of knitted phone cases , half a dozen lovely hand knitted bags and 5 knitted toys. You could easily see what she was selling and you could easily appreciate what she had.
And what did I do ..............I put every single item on to the stall , thinking that someone out there would be able to pick out something that they liked from this jumble of a stall. I knew no better.
Well I do now. I did get some people interested in some items , I did talk about recycling , knitting on big needles and how I had just learnt to crochet. I felt confident in talking about these things. A handful asked if they could have a business card (probably so that they could view items in a more professional setting). I hung ruffle scarves around my neck and wore one of the messenger bags so that they could see my goods.
But.....................not one sale.
So what did I get out of today?
1. I was confident and realised it was OK to talk about my craft
2. That I needed to plan my stall layout, find something to hang my scarves on , put my brooches in , hand my bags on etc
3. Not put all my items on the stall, pick items appropriate to the event
4. Wear my items (and I don't mean just at the craft fair). I really enjoyed doing this
5. I found out that there was another craft fair at the garden centre in November just in time for Xmas
6. I had 2 opportunities to join other craft fairs in the village. Yes I was head hunted.
7. This is all a learning curve and just to enjoy it.
Hope you enjoyed my day too.

I love my little knitting blog! I design / create unique, original high quality accessories. I sell what I make on Etsy and my own web site - thefemininetouchdesigns.co.uk. Some of my creations I have written up in to knitting patterns & kits which are now published on-line. Here on my blog I share what I have learnt, business wise & crafting wise and happy to promote other crafty sellers. You will find some of my personal experiences here too.